Hover over each member and select the "Bio" link for a description of the individual.
Your 2025 Board of Trustees is ready to "Thrive in '25" and are committed to fulfilling the Vision, Mission and Core Values of Unity of Fairfax.
- First Chair, Sherrie Quander
- Second Chair, Millicent Eubanks
- Secretary, Sue Carrillo
- Treasurer, Bowman Kell
- Keeper of the Flame, Kalahn Taylor-Clark
- Member at Large, Midd Hunt
- Senior Minister, Russell Heiland
The Board of Trustees conducts quarterly Community Dialogue Meetings in order to communicate information to congregants. It also provides a forum for congregants to ask questions about, and provide feedback to, current topics of interest.
- Visit the Community Dialog History page.
For more information about the duties of the board, bylaws, policies and reports:
- Visit the Board Information page.