Rev. Russ is Unity of Fairfax’s senior minister and spiritual beacon. His energy and enthusiasm for Unity is an inspiration. He continues to seek innovative programs and activities to fulfill our mission and vision in an intergenerational capacity.
Rev. Heiland has a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies from Miami University in Ohio and a Master of Arts degree in Liberal Studies from the University of North Carolina, Wilmington. His Master’s thesis entitled “Inner Vision and Synchronicity: Dream Work as Taught by Charles Fillmore and Carl Jung” was original research into the history of dream interpretation in the Unity Movement. He is also the author of “Twelve Powers and Seven Chakras, or Could it Be Christian Kundalini?” He received his professional training as an Ordained Unity Minister from Unity Worldwide Ministries.
Prior to coming to Unity of Fairfax, he served as associate minister at First Unity of St. Petersburg, FL and senior minister at Unity Christ Church of Wilmington, NC. His hometown is Muncie, IN.
Rev. Russ is passionate about the application of Unity teachings to personal spiritual growth and collective transformation. He is actively engaged in interfaith work and social causes that foster understanding and justice especially for marginalized populations.
“I love the mission and vision statements of Unity of Fairfax,” he says. “They inspire me to be ever more receptive to discerning Spirit’s guidance for this wonderful community and our capacity to make a positive impact for good in the world!”
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