The medicine wheel is located at Unity of Fairfax, 2854 Hunter Mill Road, Oakton, VA.
Drive through the parking lot, past the main building to the back.
Walk through the gate of the Meditation Garden fence and turn right.
Download Medicine Wheel Overview
Medicine Wheel positions are circled numbers, explained below. Please enter and exit at the East gate. Walk in a clockwise direction.
Power Wheel Positions
5 SPIRIT KEEPER of the EAST - Represents the childhood of your life: a springtime full of new growth, new beginnings, freshness, enthusiasm, creativity, new vistas for tired eyes, rebirth, awakenings, open paths and new dimensions. The eagle is one symbol of the East because it flies the highest and sees the farthest. The color of the East is yellow, the color of the rising sun at the beginning of the day. Reasons to consult this position include illumination and visionary truth.
9 EARTH CRAWLERS - SmaIl beings which fill a niche in the hierarchy of life. Some, like the earthworm, are earth rebuilders and shapers. They teach humbleness, tenacity and endurance. From them we learn that miracles often start small yet grow every day.
16 WATER BEINGS - Life begins in water, which covers more than half the Earth and comprises more than half of our bodies. A miracle of life exists in the oceans, lakes and streams of our watery planet, ranging from microscopic creatures to huge whales. These creatures move effortlessly and freely from one level to another, teaching us to do the same. If you are vexed by trials outside your control, look to the water beings how to flow around the obstacles you encounter in life.
20 GROWTH - I allow myself to grow. I know the process is gradual and sometime hard to see, but it is within me to reach maturity, develop new ideas, become more creative and be who I want to be. I honor myself with the freedom and ability to grow.
21 EXPERIENCE - I honor my experiences. I understand that experience is sometimes trial and error, but I do not fear living with trials. I become more competent, more aware of the depths of reality, by living the elperiences in my life. As I contemplate my Earth Walk, I see how experience has shaped my life in order to help me realize my highest potential.
22 STRENGTH - I honor my strength. I feel my power, and when combined with my experiences, a unique and powerful energy is available for me to shape my life. Strength enables me to generate motion and energy. I feel I can overcome any opposition I am faced with. My strength grows, making me durable and able to concentrate my energies on my journey toward maturity.
23 CLEANSING - Represents a cleansing of old habits and unworkable patterns. I move toward self-cleansing, self-healing and self-awareness. I seek to be fresh, to be pure and clear of negative thoughts and self-destroying habits which pull me down into the pit of self-pity. Without these obstructions, I am renewed. My soul, mind and body find power and great peace from self-cleansing.
24 RENEWAL - As spring renews the season and brings fresh, vibrant life to all creatures, so I renew my spiritual strengths and rejuvenate myself. I accept a younger, fresh way of perceiving my life and the lives of all my Relations. This fresh outlook reestablishes my soul, my very being. I am revived aad ready to begin again.