Metaphysical Group

Stimulate Your Mind and Spirit

The Metaphysical Group is presented by Rev. Russell Heiland (Rev. Russ Biography) as well as guest speakers.

The Metaphysical Group uses Hybrid Meetings

The Metaphysical Group meets on Sunday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in hybrid fashion (in-person and Zoom).

In-person attendees meet in Classroom #1.  

Zoom attendees: new Zoom link for 2025, join here -

Meeting ID: 889 1224 4670
Passcode: 488104



To be added to the confidential mailing list, please send your contact information and how you found out about the Metaphysical Group to: We look forward to your participation!


NOTE: Audio podcasts of previous Metaphysical Group topics, the Bhagavad Gita and Buddhism, may be found on the AUDIO.COM website.


February 23 - The Metaphysical Group will not meet today.  The Sacred Service Council will meet in its place.


Nonviolent Communication and HeartMath

The class will delve into the elements of Nonviolent Communication and HeartMath:  

  • Nonviolent Communication between human beings leads to connection through empathy and honesty.
  • HeartMath is a technique to calm the heart so that we may access our deepest inner knowing.

Note that our own Sam Lee is a Candidate for CNVC Certification at the local chapter of NVC - Capital NVC

In the seven week series led by spiritual teacher, Steve Marcom, we will learn new techniques to improve the quality of our interaction with others, unlearn some things we thought we already knew, and together practice being connected.

March 2 - Introduction to NVC and HeartMath

March 9 -  more to follow ...

March 16 - 

March 23 - 

March 30 - 

April 6 - 

April 13 - 


Heart Intelligence


If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or just want more information, please contact Rev. Russell Heiland at


Please donate to Unity of Fairfax as “thanks” for our metaphysical programs.

We appreciate your attendance and support.

While Unity encourages spiritual exploration, the views shared by presenters and/or in these presentations may not represent the teachings of the Unity movement.


This program is offered in loving memory of the late Aboul Mansuri.
Last updated on February 21, 2025