The 11:00 a.m. Sunday Service begins live streaming at 10:45 a.m.
Wednesday Meditation Service live streamed at noon.
In the event that the live streaming window does not appear above, you may transfer to the Boxcast Web Player
or add Boxcast as a channel on your Roku device.
Unity of Fairfax Guest Book
If you attend our services via Livestream, and we have not had the opportunity to meet you in person, please take a moment to add a brief entry in our Guest Book.
"...prosperity is not in the possession of things, but in the recognition of supply and the knowledge of free and open access to an inexhaustible storehouse of all that is good or desirable." Charles Fillmore
Your gifts and tithes are greatly appreciated and lovingly accepted.
Audio Archive - Sunday Messages
Make a Prayer Request
Our Prayer Ministry will receive your prayer request, hold it in prayer, and forward it to Silent Unity.
One Question
This live streaming project was made possible by the support of a grant from the John Templeton Foundation.
In order to meet our reporting requirements of this grant, we ask that you fill in this