Our Classes
The nursery (children ages 0 – 3 1/2 years), children experience the joys of community and spirituality.
We use movement, stories, songs and hugs in a warm, loving environment.
Click on the link to the UniSprouts Photo Gallery.
Preschool and kindergarten, this wonderful age gives us learners who are active, silly, wiggly, brilliant and receptive.
Not many children this age are proficient readers and writers. You will see this class explore spiritual teachings in a variety of ways suited to the developmental learning style of this age group.
The Five Principles, Metaphysical Laws, the Twelve Powers, and more are explored in using movement, song, humor, stories and much more. Watch out! You may see parachutes and hula-hoops as the kids explore their spirituality.
Meditation is begun as a class activity starting at this young age.
Click on the link to the Unicorns Photo Gallery
First to second grades.
A new breakout group to accommodate the many younger kids wishing to attend Sunday School.
Third to fifth grades, children in these grade levels are fairly proficient readers and writers. They are also beginning to think more abstractly, moving from the early concrete thinking of their younger years to the abstract thinking they will move into in their teen years.
However, they are still elementary aged children, with a need for movement, stories, and song they enjoyed in the earlier years. These children explore New Thought principles and Unity teachings at greater depth. They look further into the meanings of our teachings and how they apply to the world around them.
Mediation work continues, and various types of meditations are explored.
Click on the link to the UKnights Photo Gallery.
Uniteens (6th–8th).
The Middle Schoolers take their world and discover how Unity principles and metaphysical laws are everywhere, in everything.
Middle school-aged children are given the opportunity to internalize Unity principles.so as to make sense out of the world, their bodies, their life and where they fit in.
Our Uniteen program is an important part of Unity Eastern Region. Each year, in the fall and in the spring, children can participate in a Retreat Weekend for Uniteens up and down the eastern coast. They experience a weekend of metaphysics and wonderful connection that they will carry with them forever.
Click on the link to the Uniteens Photo Gallery.
Y.O.U. (Youth Of Unity) 9th–12th.
The YOU program is the culmination of Unity youth spiritual education. It is a special, peer-driven, Unity-structured support group for teens during the critical high school years. They are learning to co-create their own journey in life using the metaphysical and Unity Principles to develop a deeper understanding of their daily life.
They support and share with each other and connect with regional and international groups. Unity Eastern Region sponsors three Rallies for this age group, three weekend events where Unity high schoolers from up and down the East Coast come together. Teens often describe these events as a high point in their life.
Click on the link to the Y.O.U. Photo Gallery.
Special Events
Unity of Fairfax offers Family Friendly Events throughout the year. Gingerbread House Decorating, visits with the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus, Easter Egg Hunts, Youth Variety Show, visits from animal rescue groups, and EarthCare activities are examples. More are in the making!
Have an idea or want to help volunteer an event? Contact Beverly Ellis, Director of Youth and Family Ministry:
703-281-1767 x7008