Aligned with the Unity of Fairfax Core Value on Integrity — “Our thoughts, words, and deeds are trustworthy, authentic, respectful, and responsible.” — we have kept our commitment to the Unity EarthCare Covenant, as demonstrated by:
Special Events
- Conducting the annual Earth Day event
- Conducting the very successful annual Winter Solstice Celebration
- Representing Unity of Fairfax as a member of the Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions (FACS) to collectively focus on local and state governments to take the lead in energy conservation and environmental stewardship.
- Offering monthly the very popular Local and Earthcare Sunday refreshments
Education Projects
- Providing earth curriculum in Sunday school (e.g., planting tulips and caring for five planters in front of the church)
- Renewing annually our sacred Unity EarthCare Covenant with the congregation
- Providing education to the community on Best Practices (BPs) in storm water management through tours and seminars to interested parties, such as the Earth Science classes at NVCC. We have been designated as a county demonstration site.
Earth Friendly Purchases
- Purchasing new recycle bins for use in the Atrium and Kitchen
- Purchasing new compost bins for food scraps and coffee grounds
- Installing more native plants and trees, including nine new Dogwoods along Hunter Mill Road
Work On Our Campus
- Sponsoring the Adopt-a-Spot program to maintain our gardens
- Installing new landscaping under the Unity wall sign at the East end of the building and at the Labyrinth
- Maintaining and beautifying our Meditation Garden
- Maintaining our grounds with organic materials and eliminating chemicals
- Sponsoring the Spring and Fall Beautification Days
- Sponsoring Summer Weed Pulling and Pizza Parties (oh yeah!)
- Supervising the trimming and removal of dying trees on our campus
- Producing the Unity of Fairfax monthly Green Insert to provide environmental news and local and church activities on such topics as energy, recycling, spirituality and environmental justice, FACS updates, and landscaping and local green products.
- Maintaining liaison with the Saturday Farmer’s Market in our parking lot
- Conducting team monthly meetings via Zoom on every second Tuesday 7 – 9 p.m., where all are welcome to come and share their ideas and energy about our five-sacred acres
Special Accomplishments
- Overseeing the audit of the church’s electrical usage and bringing to fruition the total replacement of all fluorescent and incandescent lighting with state-of-the-art LED lights. This project saved many dollars from the church's operating fund and has reduced climate damaging emissions.
You too can become an Adopt-A-Spotter. Our motto is, “There is no spot where God is not.”
Contact Nancy Adams (nancyleeadams88@gmail.com) or Cecil Davison (cecil.davison@verizon.net) for more information and to select your spot.
EarthCare Ministry Email: Mary Brown (cernybrown@earthlink.net) or Casey Tarr (eileentarr1@verizon.net)
EarthCare Legacy
The legacy of EarthCare at Unity of Fairfax is on the EarthCare Legacy page on our website.