Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m.
Bring a bag lunch, come for the noon prayer service, and stay for companionship, games, and the creation of the Beloved Community!
Arrive early for the Prayer Service at 12 noon, and stay for this fun and inspiring activity.
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Vietnam Veterans and Sages Group invite you to a showing of Midd Hunt’s Vietnam photography (digital) slide show. He was a civilian corporate photographer in that country from 1967–68. He always carried at least two cameras while on assignments: one for Dept. of Defense / company requirements, and one for his own personal photography.
His personal photography is what will be presented at this Sages program.
There is traditional Vietnamese music underscoring the program and his narration of what you will see from one end of the country (DMZ in the north) to the furthest south provinces in the delta.
There will be an opportunity for Q&A with Midd and Tammy Nguyen after the presentation.