I have four things to share today. 

  1. Robert's Rules of Order - How to have a meeting. On Sunday at our Special Bylaws meeting we decided to approve hybrid meetings going forward.
  2. Sixty-sixth anniversary Fund Raiser - The goal is sixty-six thousand dollars. We would like to have that money by Sunday September 18th, our anniversary. So we can break even with our budget this year. Use option #4 on Text2Give. Already have $18,000 in hand. Only $48K to go.
  3. This coming Saturday is Summer Spruce Up - bring your gloves and your gloves from 8 am to noon with donuts and coffee.
  4. Sunday from 1 to 4 pm we are having a book sale - In conjunction with Greater Reston Community Day in the Park. We need volunteers for the three hours. Sign up link below.

Please help us out with the Book Sale Fundraiser (Sunday, August 14)! SignUp Genius link: