The "New Normal." How we do our mission and how do we serve one another?
Join us on Sunday, August 28th after the service where we will discuss our new normal, including financials. What is emerging as our mission and how…

Tuesday, August 23, 2022
The Five Basic Principles booklet. Email Russ if you don't have one and he will send you a copy. A wonderful adjunct to his Sunday talks.
The next series of Unity Awakening 2022 will be…

Friday, August 19, 2022
We are in the middle of a fundraiser to raise $66,000 by our anniversary on September 16th.
We are committed to having programs that raise the consciousness of humanity. Money is simply a form of energy. In the great world…

Wednesday, August 17, 2022
The Unity of Fairfax Prayer Chaplain Ministry supports us. Spiritual and Devotional readings: Unity's Five Principles - read the book with ideas each week how to use the principles. Use the Prayer Chaplains on Sundays.

Thursday, August 11, 2022
Hey, let's talk about fund raising at Unity of Fairfax. I'm happy to report we already have over $18,000.
This Sunday I am starting a new series on Unity's Five Basic Principles. There will be a study guide available.…

Wednesday, August 10, 2022
I have four things to share today.
Robert's Rules of Order - How to have a meeting. On Sunday at our Special Bylaws meeting we decided to approve hybrid meetings going forward.
Sixty-sixth anniversary Fund Raiser - The…

Wednesday, August 3, 2022
I want to give a big shout-out to all of the individuals who contributed to the text2give opportunity. Eighteen new individuals participated in the two for one event. Fund raising is always about the mission. How we can…

Friday, July 29, 2022
We have an intention to engage with young adults. We want to get a group back together. Invite your young acquaintances to church.

Friday, July 22, 2022
I have two invitations for you today. #1) be sure to investigate the arts. The arts are a wonderful way to open your mind. #2) be open to listen to sources of information other than what you normally listen to. Journals and…

Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Thanks to the volunteers last weekend who made the Illuminate Fairfax event possible.
Also, thanks to all those who are participating in the Text2Give two for one match program.