Submit your area of interest using the online Volunteer Form. A staff member will respond with more information.
On this webpage, you will find many opportunities to become engaged with Unity of Fairfax and its diverse and creative community.
There is a lot going on, and all of it can involve you if you are willing to investigate and try some new things.
Your volunteer service is greatly valued as we follow Unity’s 5th principle:
- Through thoughts, words, and actions we live the truth we know.
Your thoughtful contribution of your time, talents, and treasure ensure the vibrancy of this spiritual center.
The programs of spiritual education, practice, and service provided by Unity of Fairfax offer you numerous opportunities to open your mind and heart to the experience of Spirit in both large and small ways. You can find ways to participate in all aspects of the mission and vision of Unity of Fairfax. I encourage you to explore these offerings as avenues that can support you in your personal spiritual journey.
For over sixty-six years, Unity of Fairfax has stood as a beacon for both personal and collective transformation. By exploring ways to engage, you can add your light to that beacon of hope and inspiration. I look forward to sharing the journey with you!
Rev. Russell Heiland
P.S. All of the information on this page may be downloaded into a single Word document, Service & Spirit 2024 . Also, there are hard copy booklets available at the church.
Childcare is routinely provided during our regular Sunday services from 10:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Youth education for each age group from nursery to high school begins at 11 a.m.
Childcare can also be provided upon request to allow adults the opportunity to engage in classes and volunteer activities.
Please contact Rev. Russell in advance if you have a childcare need: Rev. Russell
For more information, visit the Youth and Family page.
The audio/video team performs two basic functions.
Staffs the sound booth during Sunday services as well as all official Unity of Fairfax functions and records each Sunday message for the Unity podcast.
If you can you operate a sliding dimmer switch to dim your lights, you can operate the sound board.
Video Projection
Operates the computer and video projectors during Sunday services and special Unity of Fairfax events (mostly PowerPoint)
We also need volunteers—both audio and video projection—for special events such as:
- weddings
- funerals
- recitals
- speaker events
- and more
Interested individuals receive training and are added to an email list to work special events. These events pay the audio or video engineer for their services. Sign up on a schedule that is convenient to you.
For both volunteer and compensated events, please email Amy Conley:
For more information, visit the Sunday Support page.
We have books on understanding different cultures, affirmation socks, music CDs, DVD movies, inspirational mugs, greeting cards, bookmarks, and so much more.
The bookstore is open after the Sunday service. This allows bookstore volunteers to attend the service.
Anyone interested in volunteering to work in the bookstore, Please contact Patie Wilcox, Finance and Operations Director: accountant@unityoffairfax.org
For more information visit the Bookstore page.
Unity of Fairfax’s outreach ministry, known as the Community Service Team, provides opportunities for our congregation to contribute to the well-being of others locally and globally.
Mission: To inspire and engage Unity of Fairfax in compassionate connection with the local and global community through generosity, service, and understanding.
Vision: A connected, compassionate community serving together to meet needs and empower people.
Annual projects have included:
- Thanksgiving meals to people who are food insecure
- Christ Angel tree at which people pick a card with the name, age, and Christmas wish of a child. This is for families who otherwise would not be able to buy their children a gift.
- Backpacks for students in need
- Food drives
- Service projects to benefit homeless persons
- Special projects
For more information about our current projects or to get on the Community Service email list, please contact: communityservice@unityoffairfax.org
Also, visit our web page: Community Service page.
La comunidad hispana se reúne todos los lunes. Las reuniones discuten libros y lecturas de autores metafísicos, así como comparten mensajes inspiradores, oraciones y meditaciones que alinean la mente y el corazón con Dios. Las reuniones son en español.
Si desea participar, envíe un correo electrónico a: comunidadhispana@unityoffairfax.org
Los cinco principios básicos de la unidad”
Dios es la única presencia verdadera y el único poder en el Universo.
Somos expresiones individualizadas de Dios; nuestro potencial divino y esencia espiritual se llaman el Cristo.
Creamos nuestras experiencias de vida a través de nuestra forma de pensar.
Nos damos cuenta de nuestra unidad con Dios a través de la meditación y la oración.
Debemos poner en práctica la verdad espiritual para cambiar nuestras vidas.
Web: Comunidad Hispana
Walk our Labyrinth and experience nature in our Meditation Garden. Visit the Medicine Wheel in the Meditation Garden. Roam our Five Sacred Acres cared for by the EarthCare Ministry.
EarthCare is about educating ourselves and others on ecology, climate change, storm water management, providing a healthy environment for pollinators, green roofs, energy audits, conservation, and wildlife protection and gardening.
Ongoing Tasks
- Landscaping the many gardens
- Maintaining the grounds
- Recycling
- Encouraging use of green paper and cleaning products
- Hospitality
Would you like to be an Earthling? Contact:
- Casey Tarr eileentarr1@verizon.net
- Mary Brown cernybrown@earthlink.net
For more information, visit the Earthcare page.
Greeters are the smiling faces of welcome at Unity of Fairfax.
Greeters Team volunteers:
- assist with seating
- distribute welcome folders
- answer questions about Unity
- assist in the completion of a guest card
- follow up with new attendees after service
The greeters’ duties end in time to attend the service.
Contact Jack Tarr: jtarr5@verizon.net
For more information, visit Greeters Team
Calling all geeks! Are you an IT professional or just technically inclined? Do you like to tinker? Are you a hobbyist? The IT team needs you!
The IT team takes care of all computers, phones, communications, and technical infrastructure of the church, both hardware and software.
We need more technical types to be on call to support the office staff with technology issues.
Some projects we’ve completed:
- installed a cellular repeater on the roof,
- re-wired the network closet,
- upgraded Wi-Fi access, and
- built a special purpose computer for the live streaming team.
Contact Dave Wiley: unityit@unityoffairfax.org
The Livestream Team runs the technology that broadcasts church services and special events on the internet so they are available to everyone, no matter where they are.
The broadcasts are also archived so any church service can be watched at any time or day of the week.
Do you have a video camera at home, or do you like making videos on your smartphone, then the Livestream Team is ready for you!
You will receive training and undergo an apprenticeship period to be completely comfortable with the equipment.
Please contact Midd Hunt: middhunt@comcast.net
Building on the sacred service of dedicated and expert volunteer members, the Marketing Team strives to use and encourage best practices in marketing.
The Team advises, promotes, and helps develop a range of marketing, resources, and procedures for:
- web site
- social media
- video
- photography
- print media
In supporting an active external marketing program, the Team promotes awareness and engagement between Unity of Fairfax, our local communities, and the Unity Worldwide Movement.
Contact Sharon Sobel: marketing@unityoffairfax.org
For more information, visit the Marketing page.
The Metaphysical Group explores different aspects of spirituality to challenge our thinking and raise our consciousness. These interactive presentations are from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Sunday mornings both in-person and via Zoom.
The principal presenter is Rev. Russell Heiland, but we have regular guests as well.
The Metaphysical Group is interactive and freewheeling, actively encouraging questions and comments by the participants. It is a good venue for putting Rev. Heiland on the spot with tricky questions that challenge your spiritual curiosity.
To join the confidential email list and receive the Zoom link, as well as news and information, send a note to: metaphysical@unityoffairfax.org
Check out the full schedule on the Metaphysical Group webpage.
Director of Music & Arts: Amy Conley
Amy and guest artists provide music during the Sunday service. The Unity Chorus rehearses weekly on Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m., both in-person and on Zoom.
Membership is available to all—experience is not required.
Do you play an instrument or have connections with musicians? Are you interested in sacred dance or theatre? Amy would like to hear from you!
Please contact Amy Conley: music@unityoffairfax.org
For more information, visit the Music page.
Prayer is an essential element of Unity of Fairfax and the Unity Movement. In support of our mission, the Prayer Chaplain Ministry is committed to providing prayer support to our congregation and the world.
Wednesday at noon, Unity of Fairfax holds a prayer and meditation service via livestream to help keep spirits strong throughout the week.
The Friday Chaplains’ Chapel at 10:00 a.m. is a Zoom activity affording two-way communication for your prayer needs and related questions.
Every Sunday a chaplain is available to pray with you after service.
Contact Linda Powell, Prayer Chaplain Ministry Liaison: lpowell98@comcast.net
For more information, visit the Prayer Chaplain Ministry page.
The Retreat Ministry demonstrates commitment to Unity of Fairfax as a Spiritual Center for education, practice, and service by developing, planning, and implementing opportunities for spiritual renewal and community bonding in inspirational settings on and beyond our Five Sacred Acres.
Retreat Examples
- “Journey to the Heart” Contemplative Retreat at Bon Secours Retreat Center in Marriottsville, MD
- “Coming Home to Unity” at Unity Village, MO
- “Thanks for Everything” at Capon Springs, WV
- “Transforming the Cancer Journey” Spirit Retreat at Unity of Fairfax
- “Times They Are A-Changin” at Capon Springs, WV
- “Perfect Vision” at Capon Springs, WV
- Spiritual Gifts Workshop
- Holy Saturday Silent Meditation Retreat at Unity of Fairfax
For more information, contact:
- retreats@unityoffairfax.org
- or visit the Retreats page
he Social Justice Team of Unity of Fairfax promotes activities supporting social justice, equality, and respect for all through education and engagement in social action.
Social Justice Team meetings are normally held on the second Sunday of the month from 12:30 – 2 p.m. in Classroom 1. It is hybrid for both Zoom and in-person participants.
Some organizations the Team has partnered with are:
- Congregation Action Network
- National Low-Income Housing Coalition
- Virginia Housing Alliance
- The Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations
- Virginia Poverty Law Center
- Virginia Interfaith Center
Contact the team leader, Sherrie Quander: socialjustice@unityoffairfax.org
Visit the Social Justice page for more information.
The Thought for the Day is a recorded, inspirational message available for you 24 hours a day. Simply call:
The message is not taken from the Daily Word; rather it is a positive and uplifting message that is updated every day. Many people (even those who are not part of Unity) rely upon the message to start their day on a positive note.
To get involved, contact Carole Neel: carole.neel@verizon.net
For additional information, visit the Thought for the Day page.
Myrtle Fillmore, co-founder of Unity wrote:
“Our mission is not to entertain the children, but to call them out. To be always entertained is to bedwarfed and dependent. To be ‘called out’ is to follow the harmonious law of the soul’s unfoldment. Who meddles with the rosebud? What fingers are deft enough to pry open that marvel of folded beauty? We are wise enough to leave it alone to follow the glad law of its own unfolding, but our children! Have we dealt as wisely with these buds of marvelous possibilities? Have we always remembered that they, too, must quicken and unfold through the innate law of their own genius?”
We offer a nursery for the youngest children on Sundays from 10:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. We also offer a program for Elementary Age Students, UniTeens (ages 11–13) and Youth of Unity (ages 14–18) from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. These older youth often serve on the platform on Sunday mornings with Rev. Russell and Amy Conley, Director of Music and Arts.
Unity of Fairfax offers periodic special activities for youth of all ages which are advertised through our regular communication channels. These include such things as service projects, Easter egg hunts, and special services.
If you wish to volunteer with Youth and Family Ministry, please contact:
Rev. Russell Heiland
Special Services
Blue Christmas: In early December, this evening service acknowledges the fact that for some people, the Christmas season may be particularly difficult.
Christmas Eve: This evening service is a traditional candlelight service that includes families. It is a beautiful way of acknowledging the Christmas spirit.
Burning Bowl: This is an evening service held on New Year’s Eve in which we engage in a meaningful service of release of the old and affirmation of the new. It ends in time for everyone to get to their holiday destination to ring in the New Year.
Ash Wednesday: Ash Wednesday begins the period of spiritual preparation for Easter known as Lent. Join the Unity of Fairfax community for a meaningful experience of inaugurating this holy season.
Palm Sunday: This special Sunday service sets the stage for the events of Holy Week.
Maundy Thursday: Maundy Thursday is the traditional ending of the Lenten season and the beginning of Easter. Join the Unity of Fairfax community for a special observance of this holy day that will include ritual, message, meditation, and music.
Good Friday: An integral part of the Easter experience in which tragedy is provided sacred witness and meaning. Join the Unity of Fairfax community for this meaningful part of the Easter journey.
Holy Saturday: This service includes an extended period of meditation where participants disperse throughout the building and grounds to meditate before gathering in the sanctuary once again.
Easter Sunday: Join the Unity of Fairfax community as we welcome Easter with a glorious sunrise service on the Labyrinth (weather permitting, inside if not). The 11 a.m. service filled with music and celebration. For the kids, the Easter bunny leads an egg hunt after the service.
Summer Solstice: Welcome the first day of Summer with prayer, chanting, drumming, and meditation! This evening event on the Summer Solstice welcomes in summer and looks at the metaphysical meaning the day.
Winter Solstice: This family-friendly Christmas–Winter Solstice celebration is held in the late afternoon or evening. Festivities include singing, drumming, meditation, reflection, and a bonfire. It celebrates the spiritual connection between the Earth’s shortest day of the year and the Christmas holiday.
Other Events
Unity of Fairfax hosts many other spiritually-enriching and social events throughout the year. These events are highlighted on our Classes & Events page.
Be sure to subscribe to Unity of Fairfax newsletters to receive current information. A link to Newsletter Subscribe is at the bottom of every page on the website.