Join a Sunday Support Team
Sunday Support Teams ensure a smooth running service week after week
Volunteers for the Live Streaming Team, Sound Team & Visual Projection Team still needed.
Submit the online Volunteer Form and check all your Areas of Interest.
Or use the email address below to make direct contact.
Hospitality Team
Provides food and drink after every service.
Volunteers: We seek hosts to share snacks after services in the atrium.
Please sign up for once every month.
Email Patie Wilcox
Live Streaming Team
Operates the live streaming console during the 11 a.m. service to provide live access to the service on our website over the internet.
Looking for technically skilled volunteers to operate the equipment.
- See the Sunday Streams Video photo album to get the idea
- Watch a Zoomie for a fun explanation.
Email Midd Hunt
New Members Team
Greet prospective new members and make them feel welcome to the Unity of Fairfax family.
Email Rev. Russ Heiland
Sound Team
Staffs the sound booth during the Sunday service as well as all official Unity of Fairfax functions.
Volunteers: If you can you operate a sliding dimmer switch to dim your lights, you can operate the Sound Board.
Interested people receive training and are added to an email list to work special events.
Email Amy Conley
Visual Projection Team
Operates the computer and video projectors during Sunday services and special Unity of Fairfax events.
Volunteers: We seek projectionists to display PowerPoint slides for a service or event.
Sign up on a schedule that is convenient to you.
Email Amy Conley
Stand at the entrance door and greet everyone coming to the Sunday services.
Hand out the Sunday bulletin at the Sanctuary doors and assist with seating.
Hand out Welcome Booklets to first time visitors.
Contact Jack Tarr: jtarr5@verizon.net
For more information, visit the Greeters Team page.
Youth and Family
We have all the curriculum and all the supplies. What we need now are a few more folks willing to engage with youth one Sunday a month.
If that person is you, please contact Rev. Russell to get involved.
For more information, visit the Youth and Family page.
The bookstore is open on Sunday.
We have books on understanding different cultures, affirmation socks, music CDs, DVD movies, inspirational mugs, greeting cards, bookmarks and so much more.
If you would be willing to serve on Sunday once or twice a month, contact Patie Wilcox
For more information, visit the Bookstore page.