Prayer has been the heart of Unity for over a century.
Unity uses prayer and meditation to forge a stronger connection to God and to assert positive beliefs about desired outcomes.
Spirit of the Universe - As we witness the carnage of war, we affirm protection, healing, and comfort for those caught in the web of conflict; we affirm Divine Wisdom and Courage for the leaders whose decisions can bring a compassionate and speedy end to the destruction of life and property; and we affirm with conviction the belief that mutual respect can lead to permanent peace that allows Israelis and Palestinians to thrive and allow their children to grow together as friends. This we affirm in the name and through the power of the living Christ presence. Amen.
- Rev. Russell Heiland
God in the midst of me is mighty.
God guides and governs
the thoughts of my mind,
the feelings of my heart,
and the acts of my life
to establish joy, health, and bounty
in my life and my world.
- Ernest C Wilson
Let go of any limiting thoughts or actions. Affirm to yourself: "I am the light of God. I deserve to let my light shine. The world needs what I have to offer. I am the light of the world. I commit to loving action. I commit to walk the way of peace."
- Rev. Russell Heiland
"Give thanks for the changing seasons that remind us of the cycles and seasons of life. ... May we be open to divine wisdom in caring for the earth, in caring for ourselves and in caring for others so that the results of our actions, our thoughts and our words will be a blessing seven generations from now."
- Rev. Russell Heiland
"I invite you to close your eyes and open your hearts as we afirm a blessing on everyone in a leadership position - those who are about to assume duties, those who are completing their terms, those who have been reelected, and those who are appointed. We affirm the same thing for every leader regardless of their orientation or political affiliation. And what we affirm is wisdom. ..."
- Rev. Russell Heiland
"I invite you to join me in a prayer for our young children and to the adults who are committed to them, seeing the best in them and drawing it out, to the living spirit of truth that is embodied in our children and the children of the world, to the children's joy, their enthusiasm and their curiosity ..."
- Rev Russell Heiland
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