Unity of Fairfax
2854 Hunter Mill Road
Oakton, Virginia 22124
- Main Telephone: 703-281-1767
- FAX: 703-281-1739
- General Email: admin@unityoffairfax.org
- Board of Trustees Information email: board@unityoffairfax.org
- Thought for the Day: 703-281-0335
Other Contacts
- Web Site Administrator: webmaster@unityoffairfax.org
- Facebook Administrator: facebook@unityoffairfax.org
- Twitter Administrator: twitter@unityoffairfax.org
Office & Bookstore Hours
- The office is open Monday - Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- The bookstore is open Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
- The Labyrinth Plaza and the Meditation Garden are open.
Subscribe to Email
- Would you like to receive weekly emails with upcoming Sunday service notification and other event information?
- Subscribe Now
Emergency Contact Initiative
In our continuing efforts to ensure the sacred safety of our members, we are offering community members the option of providing us with emergency contact information. For more information and to submit your contact names, click here: Emergency Contact.
- Do you have a good idea to improve our web site or fix an error,
- Or a suggested improvement for administration of Unity of Fairfax affairs?
- Do you wish a direct line to our Board of Trustees?
- Do you have any other heartfelt suggestion you wish to bring to our attention?
- Suggest Now.